Since it is clear the Escondido will have a new Mayor, Paul McNamara and District 1 Councilmember Consuelo Martinez, this issue should be delayed until they are seated on December 12.
It will be important to make the following requests:
- Given the significant change in leadership in just 2 weeks, the Council should put off any decisions or direction until this issue can be heard by the leaders who will vote on it and will be responsible for implementing it. The current leaders have made clear that they support ‘the minimum possible’. Our situation demands much more action than this.
- The E-CAP should adopt 100% clean energy as a goal.
- The E-CAP should commit to developing a transportation master plan for biking, walking, and transit.
- The E-CAP must not rely on out of region mitigation.
- The E-CAP must include a social equity element.
- The E-CAP must be measurable and enforceable.
The meeting will be held in City Council Chambers at 201 N. Broadway, Escondido City Hall.