Thursday, May 28, 2015

Cal Public Utilities Commission to meet in Escondido-- A chance to weigh in on SDGE rates and policies JUNE 1

For those of you interested in SDGE rates and policies, here is a chance  to speak directly to the California Public Utilities Commission, the state agencies that controls many aspects of our public utilities.  Note that the June 1 hearing is at the Center for the Arts.  UCAN has long been a consumer advocate around SDGE issues.



WHY: Your input is important to the Commissioners and the Administrative Law Judges because it is their job to serve the citizens of California making sure SDG&E charges just and reasonable rates.

SDG&E is asking for 1.911 BILLION dollars to fund their operations.  As SDG&E’s own application says: “If approved, this revenue requirement would be an increase of $133 million over the estimated 2015 revenue requirement, or a 7% increase.”   

SDG&E’s application also notes that when the impact of commodity costs and regulatory account balances are included then even with the CPUC approving the extra $133 million dollars in revenue requirement from 2015 to 2016 that customers would see a monthly bill savings of .25 cents for electricity and .32 cents for gas.

UCAN thinks the rates SDG&E charges are too high, and that SDG&E customers could use more relief than just .25 for electricity and .32 cents for gas. UCAN believes that SDG&E should get less so that ratepayers save more.

The Commission needs to hear from SDG&E customers about how customers feel about the service they get from SDG&E and what they think of SDG&E’s rates for electricity.

Even if you don't have a specific issue or question, just showing up lets the Commission and the Utility know we are watching!


June 1, 2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
California Center for the Arts, Conference Center, Salon 1 Room,
 340 North Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA 92025

June 2, 2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Oceanside Public Library, Civic Center Library Community Room,
 330 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054

June 3, 2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
El Cajon City Council Chambers,
 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon, CA 92020

June 10, 2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Scottish Rite Event Center, Square & Compass Rooms,
 1895 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108
A General Rate Case (GRC) is the major regulatory proceeding for California utilities, which provides the CPUC an opportunity to perform an exhaustive examination of a utility’s operations and costs. Typically performed every three years, the GRC allows the CPUC to conduct a broad and detailed review of a utility’s revenues, expenses, and investments in plant and equipment to establish an approved revenue requirement."

* The GRC is kicked off by an "application" from the Utility to the CPUC detailing their plans, associated costs (or savings sometimes) and resulting rate changes for which they seek approval.

* Many things in the application are based on projections and forecasts from the Utility.  As anyone knows, the forecasts are only as good as the data inputted and UCAN has serious issues with some of the forecasts used by SDG&E. 

In the GRC UCAN and other consumer groups are going to be at the CPUC hearings challenging SDG&E’s experts.  It would really help us if  the Administrative Law Judges heard from SDG&E customers directly. 


Monday, May 18, 2015

DTSC Oak Creek Community Profile Published: Comment period on Cleanup Plan to follow

Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has released their document about the community around the Oak Creek site. DTSC Oak Creek Community Profile 
Many of you may remember receiving a survey in March.  There were 58 logged responses even though the turn-around time was short.  There were many detailed concerns about the project provided to DTSC (see page 9-10 of the document). We remain disappointed that off-site neighbors will still not be notified if there is a contaminant concentration in the airborne dust at elevated levels. If the levels exceed 75% of the action levels, then workers will use personal protective equipment and then dust control measures will be used.  However, we have asked that neighbors be notified so they can take whatever measure they deem  necessary to protect themselves.  This remains unaddressed. DTSC has proposed a land use covenant that will not allow the use of groundwater under the site for any reason due to the presence of Chatham contamination. (P.6).  Fifty-three respondents had a high or moderate level of interest in the site and 41 said they would attend a meeting on the issue.  Most people (55) had heard about the site and the highest point of contact was 'Neighbors'!!!!  YAY for neighborhood organizing. :-)
The next steps will be as follows: DTSC will issue the cleanup plan for a 30-day comment period, issue a Fact Sheet, officially notice the comment period in the paper, and hold a community meeting.
We thank DTSC for including the community in their actions and we look forward to the opportunity to review and comment on the clean up plan.
Stay tuned.