A touching and important story appeared in the Los Angeles Times today. Worth your time to read.
Los Angeles Times Story about owl and classroom
It is also an important reminder how connected we are with nature, or can be when we have the opportunity to fall in love with nature and the Earth. Kids just love animals. We are so touched to read at the end how the owl makes that young boy, who has so many difficulties in his life, "very happy". We are committed to keeping those animals that make him so happy part of our world.
We have our own local and very threatened Burrowing Owl populations that the Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Coalition will be working very hard to protect in 2017. Escondido Neighbors United is a member of the coalition and we would love any help and support anyone would like to offer. (Just a reminder that you can offer a tax-deductible donation here. Info for joining ENU )
We will share soon about our activities for 2017 but wanted to be sure everyone had a chance to enjoy this story.
Happy New Year!
From all of us at Escondido Neighbors United
HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS REPORT Only nine (9) out of 19 San Diego region municipalities have adopted a CAP. We have graded seven (7) CAPs in this report. We have not graded the CAPs of Encinitas and Chula Vista, as those cities are in the process of updating their CAPs. Below are statistics on the seven (7) CAPs graded in this report.
CAP Structural Elements:
- 6 are legally binding (San Diego, San Marcos, Carlsbad, National City, Vista & Escondido)
- 4 meet state GHG targets to 2030 (San Diego, San Marcos, Del Mar & Carlsbad)
- 3 address social equity (San Diego, San Marcos & National City)
- 2 address jobs (San Diego & National City)
- 7 assign implementation responsibility to staff/department & have a timeline of strategies
- 2 call for a public taskforce (San Diego & Del Mar)
- 5 analyze costs of strategies (Del Mar, San Marcos, Carlsbad, Vista & Escondido)
- 4 require annual monitoring (San Diego, San Marcos, Carlsbad & Vista)
- 4 require GHG reporting at least every 3 yrs (San Diego, Carlsbad, National City & Escondido)
Key CAP Strategies:
- 2 include 100% clean energy goals & Community Choice Energy (CCE) (San Diego & Del Mar)
- 3 have energy & water reduction goals and ordinances (San Diego, Del Mar & Carlsbad)
- 4 have municipal & citywide ZEV policies (San Diego, Del Mar, Carlsbad & National City)
- 5 have commuter mode shift goals (San Diego, Del Mar, San Marcos, Carlsbad & Vista)
- 3 have actionable smart growth strategies (San Diego, San Marcos & Vista)
- 2 call for Zero Waste (San Diego & Del Mar)
- 2 have tree canopy goals (San Diego & Del Mar)