Sunday, March 25, 2018

North County Group Sierra Club files comment letter on Escondido Climate Action Plan

The NCG of the Sierra Club filed this comment letter with the city of Escondido.  If you are interested in being involved or notified about this process, please email your contact info the Mr. Mike Strong at the city  .

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Great Opportunity to Learn Your Birds! Palomar Audubon Society Annual Birding Class starts April 24th

We are lucky to have such a great Audubon Chapter in our region.  Palomar Audubon Society is offering their amazing beginning birding class.  Everyone who has taken it before love it.  And, you can always repeat too.

See info below.  

Palomar Audubon Society is again offering bird classes on consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning Tuesday April 24th. The first three classes will be for beginners and the last three (starting Tuesday May 15th) will be for intermediate birders. The classes will be integrated for beginners taking both classes. There will be three Saturday field trips, May 12th, May26th,and June 9th.

Classes will start at 6:30 pm and run for 90 minutes. They will be held at the Glassman Recreational Center at 18448 RB Community Center Drive off West Bernardo Drive (the large Casa De Las Companas Retirement Home is on the east side of this intersection).

The classes will cover the classification of birds, field markings of local birds, behavior, vocalization, tracking, and the different habitats in San Diego County.

Cost for either class is $ 60.00 and the cost for both is $ 90.00.

The course will be led by Phoenix Von Hendy, a long-time birding leader in North County and a certified tracker naturalist. 

For questions about the course contact Richard Fowler at To register complete the form below and send with check to: Palomar Audubon Society, P.O. Box 2483, Escondido, Ca. 92033-2483 by April 20th.
You can use the form below or go to the PAS website to sign up at 


Name(s):___________________________  Phone:______________________________


____ Beginner/novice $60.00 each
____ Intermediate      $60.00  each
____ Both classes       $90.00 each               Total inclosed : __________________

Mail form and check to Palomar Audubon Society, P.0. Box 2483, Escondido, Ca.
92033-2483 by April 20th, 2018.